In The Mix – January Newsletter
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING (S.E.L.) PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSocial Emotional Learning is a group that focuses on helping students discuss how they feel, encourages students to be kind to one another, as well as helping students with social skills. This past...
In The Mix – December Newsletter
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT S.T.E.M. PROGRAMMING HIGHLIGHTOur students in partnership with School District of Lancaster and Let’s Go123 have created a few projects that allow them to explore the environment and its preservation. Their Ocean in a Bottle activity created an...
In The Mix – October Newsletter
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT B.L.A.S.T. PROGRAMMING HIGHLIGHTIn Blast, we learn that God's story is an epic love story for the ages. We can share God's love by showing others how much they matter to us. We can share God’s love by showing others how much they matter to...
In The Mix – November Newsletter
PROGRAMS HIGHLIGHT ARTS & CRAFTS PROGRAMMING HIGHLIGHTAs part of Arts and Crafts, our students learn how to express themselves creatively with their hands. Throughout November, our youth will be creating books from recycled paper. As a result, our youth have been...